Why Pet is not Eating From Few Days – Possible Causes & Things

For a pet owner, the worst scenario can be to see your pet not eating properly. It may be sometimes that your pet isn’t liking the food, but what if you’ve just made your pet’s favourite meal, but still the response is same? It can be a matter of concern and it’s smart to start hunting for the best veterinary animal hospital in Richmond. The reason here is that it can be a clear indication of some sort of illness, which is what makes it important to seek the professional advice.

It is very important to respond promptly to a refusal to eat in dogs that usually eat well.

What to pay attention to if your pet is not eating from few days?

Before you call a professional to get consultation on “Why pet is not eating from few days?” there are a few things that you need to pay attention to. This will also be important when you pet changes eating habits.

Following are the questions you should attempt to answer to pinpoint the seriousness of the situation.

  • Since how long your pet stopped eating?
  • Since when your pet been eating this type of food?
  • Do you feel any type of symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy?
  • Do you have other pet (s) who are also refusing to eat?
  • Has your pet stopped drinking water too?

Reasons your pet is not eating from few days:

There are many reasons why your pet may stop or refuse to eat the food he or she has been loving the most. While some reasons may be minor and need no action, some of them may be severe and would need immediate support of a professional veterinarian at the veterinary animal hospital in Richmond.

Illness – When your pet is going through any kind of illness, he or she may not want to eat. This is the behavior that humans also show when they’re not feeling too well. For example, if you have fever, you’d feel like not eating and just take some more rest. The decreased appetite in pets also indicates as a sign of sickness, especially if your pet is exhibiting other symptoms at the same time.  While it’s not always the matter that your pet would stop eating due to illness, prompt veterinary attention is important because it could be a sign of significant illness, such as kidney failure, cancer, etc.

Illness Dental disease

Dental disease –

Have you ever tried to eat something when you have dental problem? That’s not easy to eat when you have pain in the teeth or gums. Similar is the matter with the pets as they also resist eating when they are going through dental problems. You can check with your veterinarian in Richmond if there is any broken or loosen tooth, cavity, severe gingivitis or any other kind of lesion your pet has.

Recent vaccination –

If you own a pet, you should want to take good care of it with the help of proper vaccination that are available for many serious and contagious dog diseases. While the vaccinations have been helping save the lives of animals since many decades, they also have adverse effects. And in most of the cases, the animals will experience a sudden loss of appetite in dogs. You should promptly notify your veterinarian in Richmond so they can even discuss with you which vaccine might have reacted and what to do on next vaccine visits.

Travel and unfamiliar surroundings –

– If your dog’s appetite was fine until you went on a trip with them or moved to a new location, it may be that your dog won’t eat because of traveling or the unfamiliar surroundings. Some animals may get motion sickness, and others become nervous or uncomfortable in new places. If your pet is one of those then please consult your veterinarian in Richmond before you take your pet to a trip as advance medicines can be provided.

Pickiness or behavior issues –

– Some dogs/cats are just picky, or their refusal to eat may be caused by feeding them in situations where they aren’t comfortable, such as around an aggressive dog/cat or from a bowl at an uncomfortable height. Because a decreased appetite in pets may be caused by illness, never assume that your dog is picky without investigating other possibilities first. Always remember that even decreased or no appetite may lead to insufficient nutrition and may lead to an illness itself. Prolonged anorexia in cats may cause hepatic disease.

For more information contact us and book an appointment today.